
This is business!! - 转载

Father: ’I want you to marry a girl of choice.’
Father:’But the girl is Bill Gates’s daughter.’
Son: ’Well, in that case...ok’

Next Day Father approaches Bill Gates.
Father: ’I have a husband for your daughter.’
Bill Gates: ’But daughter is too young to marry!’
Father: ’But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank.’
Bill Gates: ’Ah, in that case...ok’

Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Father: ’I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president.’
President: ’But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!’
Father: ’But this young man is Bill Gates’s son-in-law.’
President: ’Ah, in that case...ok’

This is how business is done!!*

Moral: Even If you have nothing, You can get Anything.. But your attitude should be ++++ positive...*


2 条评论:

小恒 说...

ya, not only business world like that... something connecton of human need to be like that to continue... no choice¬

查尔斯 说...

of coz we hv choices? lot choices... 只是我们选择要走的路是怎样的而已者嘛。。。:p